Business Book Summaries.

Here at Business Skills Mastery, we believe that we’re not the sole source of new ideas. For constant improvement, you need constant education. However, it is increasingly difficult for today’s successful business owners and entrepreneurs to dedicate hours every day to reading the business books they need, to keep moving forward.

This is why we’ve started our “Done for you”  business book Summaries reading service, where we distil the essence of a business classic into a short readable chunk that you can read in about 20 minutes.

Business Book Summaries

We’ve done the serious reading for you…

The Four Hour Work Week By Timothy Ferriss (Book Summary)

The Four Hour Work Week By Timothy Ferriss (Book Summary)

Introduction: Reimagining Success. In the introduction of “The 4-Hour Workweek,” Timothy Ferriss invites readers into a world where success is redefined, traditional workweek norms are questioned, and the pursuit of a life filled with adventure, freedom, and fulfilment takes centre stage. Ferriss introduces a concept that challenges conventional notions of work, retirement, and the “deferred […]

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Getting Things Done. By David Allen (Book Summary)

Getting Things Done. By David Allen (Book Summary)

Getting Things Done.“The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity”. “Getting Things Done” by David Allen is a productivity and time management book that provides a comprehensive system for managing tasks, projects, and commitments to reduce stress and increase efficiency.  In a world characterised by constant change, relentless information flow, and mounting demands on our time, the need […]

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The Direct Mail Solution: By Simpson & Kennedy (Book Summary)

The Direct Mail Solution: By Simpson & Kennedy (Book Summary)

The Direct Mail Solution: A business owner’s guide to building a lead generating sales driving money making Direct Mail Campaign Fact: More commerce and wealth are created by direct mail than any other media. This was true before the internet…and is still true now. If you’re serious about growing your customer base, growing your revenue […]

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Think and Grow Rich. By Napolean Hill (Book Summary)

Think and Grow Rich. By Napolean Hill (Book Summary)

Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill’s best-selling book is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. If you’re serious about achieving success then Think and Grow Rich is a must-read. Think and Grow Rich has sold over 70 million copies since its publication, and has been ranked the sixth best-selling business paperback […]

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Good To Great: By Jim Collins (Book Summary)

GOOD TO GREAT. Why Some companies make the leap and others don’t. In his previous bestseller, Built to Last, Jim Collins explored what made great companies great and how they sustained that greatness over time. One point kept nagging him, though — great companies have, for the most part, always been great, while a vast […]

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Positioning The Battle for Your Mind. By Reis & Trout (Book Summary)

Positioning, The battle for your mind: How to be seen and heard in the overcrowded marketplace. Ries and Trout explain that the concept of positioning applies to products in a broad sense. Services, tourist destinations, countries, and even careers can benefit from a well-developed positioning strategy that focuses on a niche that is unoccupied in […]

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The Achievement Habit: By Bernard Roth (Book Summary)

The Achievement Habit: By Bernard Roth (Book Summary)

The Achievement Habit. Ask people to think about who stops them from accomplishing the things they want. It’s always entertaining to listen to them explain how their parents, spouses, children, colleagues, bosses — you name it — prevent them from reaching their goals. These perceived obstacles are simply excuses; in almost every case, when you […]

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Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence: By Daniel Goleman (Book Summary)

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence: By Daniel Goleman (Book Summary)

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman provides insight into the many ways attention and focus drive the success or failure of people in all walks of life. He maintains that successful people master three main types of attention: 1. Inner focus attunes people to their intuitions, guiding values, and better […]

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Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: Harvey Mackay (Book Summary)

Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: Harvey Mackay (Book Summary)

Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty is packed with anecdotes of American icons, from Billy Graham to Muhammad Ali. Comprising short chapters, this quick, entertaining classic offers a wealth of practical, applicable information on how to build a strong personal network. Mackay, a master networker and communicator, conveys his message without belabouring a point. With […]

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What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School. (Book Summary)

What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School. (Book Summary)

Introduction to: What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School. A business school can’t teach you how to be street-smart. You have to go out and get experience in the business world to start developing the ability to make the most of your business strengths. Business is a competition, and any high-level, sophisticated competition […]

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Eat That Frog! By Brian Tracy (Book Summary)

Eat That Frog! By Brian Tracy (Book Summary)

‘Eat that Frog!’ by Brian Tracy is a well-written and easy-to-digest list of 21 tips to help you stop procrastinating and get more work done. This is a great guide for anyone who feels overwhelmed with work and doesn’t know where to start. Brian Tracy shares different methods for planning and prioritising, shows you how […]

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Selling The Invisible: By Harry Beckwith (Book Summary).

Selling The Invisible: By Harry Beckwith (Book Summary).

‘Selling The Invisible’ is a highly readable, enjoyable, and very insightful book about all aspects of service marketing. Harry Beckwith is the founder of a marketing and advertising company located in Minneapolis and has advised several Fortune 500 companies, as well as many small and medium-sized service-oriented businesses. Beckwith’s style is to present essentially mini-essays […]

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: By Stephen R. Covey (Book Summary)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: By Stephen R. Covey (Book Summary)

Introduction. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey says that our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, habits constantly express our character and produce our effectiveness – or our ineffectiveness. In the words of Aristotle, “We are […]

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The E’Myth Revisited: By Michael E Gerber (Book Summary)

The E’Myth Revisited: By Michael E Gerber (Book Summary)

The E’Myth "Why most small businesses don’t work and What to Do about it." In The E-Myth, Michael Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business.  Buy The E-Myth...

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Start With Why: By Simon Sinek (Book Summary)

Start With Why: By Simon Sinek (Book Summary)

There are leaders and there are those who lead. ‘Start With Why’ is about a naturally occurring pattern, a way of thinking, acting and communicating that gives some leaders the ability to inspire those around them. The more organisations and people who learn to also start with ‘WHY’, the more people there will be who […]

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Decision Traps: Russo & Schoemaker (Book Summary)

Decision Traps: Russo & Schoemaker (Book Summary)

J. Edward Russo and Paul J.H. Schoemaker Order on Amazon In Decision Traps, the authors revealed that most decision-makers commit some kind of error with pretty much every decision they make. They explore the components of these errors and the steps to rectify common mistakes in decision-making. The authors drill into the key characteristics of […]

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Crossing The Chasm: By Geoffery Moore (Book Summary)

Crossing The Chasm: By Geoffery Moore (Book Summary)

Buy on Amazon Summary. The high-tech marketing guru (and principal of The Chasm Group marketing consultants), Geoffrey Moore offers time-tested insights into the problems and dangers facing growing technology and software companies a blueprint for survival. This classic book (first published in 1991) is widely accepted as “the bible for bringing cutting-edge products to progressively […]

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Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You.

Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You. By John Warrillow. This summary provides a snapshot of the critical concepts and strategies detailed in “Built to Sell.” Reading the full book will provide a more in-depth understanding and practical examples to help apply these principles. Introduction: Designing a Scalable & Sellable Business. […]

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The Challenger Sale (Book Summary)

The Challenger Sale (Book Summary)

Book Summary: The Challenger Sale: How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson Introduction: The Challenger Sale, authored by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson, reshapes our understanding of the most effective sales practices. Contrary to the popular belief that the best salespeople are relationship builders, this book presents evidence […]

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SPIN SELLING By Neil Rackman (Book Summary)

SPIN SELLING By Neil Rackman (Book Summary)

SPIN SELLING The best-validated sales method available today. By Neil Rackman Buy here from Amazon SPIN Selling: Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff SPIN Selling was published in 1988, and at that time it was considered to be the most heavily researched book on sales ever created.  The research was compiled over 12 years and 35,000 sales […]

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Leaders Eat Last By Simon Sinek Book Summary

Leaders Eat Last By Simon Sinek Book Summary

Book Summary: “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek explores the profound impact of leadership on individuals, teams, and organisations. Drawing from biology, psychology, and real-world examples, Sinek presents a compelling argument for leadership that prioritises the well-being and success of its people. The book dives into the concept of […]

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