Productivity 101.




How to master your personal productivity.

The Key To Getting Stuff Done (GSD). How to get more stuff done and beat the procrastination monster!

This training is focused on helping you the busy business owner, entrepreneur and freelancer become more focused and ultimately more productive. The fact is that entrepreneurs and business owners are not like the mere mortals out there. We have to be far more productive than the average person. This means that we can not think and act like them. We have to dare to be different. Small business owners too often confuse being busy with being successful. They’re not the same thing! If time were money, how would you manage yours?

All of these and more are discussed during this extensive training.

In this training, we explore the key to maximum productivity and maximum results.

  • The Nine Secrets to Beating Procrastination.
  • How to destroy your productivity.
  • What gets measured gets managed.
  • Becoming Better at Time Management.
  • How to take charge of your schedule.

There are two training videos (each 16 minutes long).

A workbook and other training resources are all designed to ensure that you get maximum benefit from this training.